C++でFFTを行う上で複素数を扱うデータのデータ構造をどうするのが良いのか調べるために2種類のデータ構造でFFTの処理時間を検証してみました。 まずひとつ目はFFTWで使われている構造体と同じように実数と虚数が交互に入っている配列型のデータ構造。こちらが一般的なんでしょうか。こちらはデータ構造Aとします。


OS: Windows 7 64bit
CPU: core-i7 920
Memory: 6GB
データ構造A: 3.255 sec
データ構造B: 5.305 sec
int FFT1d(
double *io_complex,
int size, int exponent,
bool ifft)
int i1, i2,l,l1,l2;
double c1,c2,tx,ty,t1,t2,u1,u2,z;
int complex_size = size * 2;
//** argument check --------------------
if(size < 2){
WSPERROR("size is less than 2\n");
return -1;
int i, j;
for(exponent=0, i=size; (i=i/2)!=0; ++exponent){}
for(i=0, j=1; i<exponent; ++i, j*=2){}
if(size != j){
WSPERROR("size is not power of 2, %d != %d\n", size, j);
return -1;
//** ------------------------------------
//printf("size: %d, exponent: %d\n", size, exponent);
//** reverse bit
i2 = size >> 1;
double *re_ptr, *im_ptr;
double *re_ptr_j, *im_ptr_j, *end_ptr;
int i, j, k;
re_ptr = io_complex;
end_ptr = re_ptr + complex_size - 2;
for (j=0; re_ptr!=end_ptr; re_ptr+=2) {
re_ptr_j = io_complex + j*2;
if (re_ptr < re_ptr_j){
im_ptr = re_ptr + 1;
im_ptr_j = re_ptr_j + 1;
//** swap complex[i] and complex[j]
tx = *re_ptr;
ty = *im_ptr;
*re_ptr = *re_ptr_j;
*im_ptr = *im_ptr_j;
*re_ptr_j = tx;
*im_ptr_j = ty;
for(k = i2; k<=j; k>>=1){ j-=k; }
//** Compute FFT
double *real_ptr, *imag_ptr, *end_ptr;
double *real_ptr_2, *imag_ptr_2,
double *end_ptr_2, *real_ptr_i1, *imag_ptr_i1;
int i, j, k, l2_step, l1_step;
c1 = -1.0;
c2 = 0.0;
l2 = 1;
for (l=0; l<exponent; ++l) {
l1 = l2;
l2 <<= 1;
u1 = 1.0;
u2 = 0.0;
l2_step = l2 * 2;
l1_step = l1 * 2;
real_ptr = io_complex;
end_ptr = real_ptr + l1_step;
end_ptr_2 = io_complex + complex_size;
for(; real_ptr!=end_ptr; real_ptr+=2) {
real_ptr_2 = real_ptr;
for(; real_ptr_2<end_ptr_2; real_ptr_2+=l2_step){
imag_ptr_2 = real_ptr_2 + 1;
real_ptr_i1 = real_ptr_2 + l1_step;
imag_ptr_i1 = real_ptr_i1 + 1;
t1 = u1 * (*real_ptr_i1) - u2 * (*imag_ptr_i1);
t2 = u1 * (*imag_ptr_i1) + u2 * (*real_ptr_i1);
*real_ptr_i1 = *real_ptr_2 - t1;
*imag_ptr_i1 = *imag_ptr_2 - t2;
*real_ptr_2 += t1;
*imag_ptr_2 += t2;
z = u1 * c1 - u2 * c2;
u2 = u1 * c2 + u2 * c1;
u1 = z;
c2 = sqrt((1.0 - c1) / 2.0);
if (ifft==false){ c2 = -c2; }
c1 = sqrt((1.0 + c1) / 2.0);
//** Scale array size for forward fft
if(ifft==false) {
double *ptr, *end_ptr;
ptr = io_complex;
end_ptr = ptr + complex_size;
for (; ptr!=end_ptr; ptr+=2) {
*ptr /= size;
*(ptr+1) /= size;
return 0;
int FFT1d(double *io_real,
double *io_imag,
int size, int m, bool ifft)
int i1, i2,l,l1,l2;
double c1,c2,tx,ty,t1,t2,u1,u2,z;
//** argument check ---------------------------------
if(size < 2){
WSPERROR("size is less than 2\n");
return -1;
int i, j;
for(m=0, i=size; (i=i/2)!=0; ++m){}
for(i=0, j=1; i<m; ++i, j*=2){}
if(size != j){
WSPERROR("size is not power of 2, %d != %d\n", size, j);
return -1;
//** --------------------------------
//printf("size: %d, m: %d\n", size, m);
//** reverse bit
i2 = size >> 1;
double *real_ptr, *imag_ptr, *end_ptr;
double *real_ptr_j, *imag_ptr_j;
int i, j, k;
real_ptr = io_real;
imag_ptr = io_imag;
end_ptr = io_real + size - 1;
for (j=0; real_ptr!=end_ptr; ++real_ptr, ++imag_ptr) {
real_ptr_j = io_real + j;
if (real_ptr < real_ptr_j){
imag_ptr_j = io_imag + j;
//** swap complex[i] and complex[j]
tx = *real_ptr;
ty = *imag_ptr;
*real_ptr = *real_ptr_j;
*imag_ptr = *imag_ptr_j;
*real_ptr_j = tx;
*imag_ptr_j = ty;
for(k = i2; k<=j; k>>=1){ j-=k; }
//** Compute FFT
double *real_ptr, *imag_ptr, *end_ptr;
double *real_ptr_2, *imag_ptr_2;
double *end_ptr_2, *real_ptr_i1, *imag_ptr_i1;
int i, j, k;
c1 = -1.0;
c2 = 0.0;
l2 = 1;
for (l=0; l<m; ++l) {
l1 = l2;
l2 <<= 1;
u1 = 1.0;
u2 = 0.0;
real_ptr = io_real;
imag_ptr = io_imag;
end_ptr = io_real + l1;
end_ptr_2 = io_real + size;
for(; real_ptr!=end_ptr; ++real_ptr, ++imag_ptr) {
real_ptr_2 = real_ptr;
imag_ptr_2 = imag_ptr;
for(; real_ptr_2<end_ptr_2; real_ptr_2+=l2, imag_ptr_2+=l2){
real_ptr_i1 = real_ptr_2 + l1;
imag_ptr_i1 = imag_ptr_2 + l1;
t1 = u1 * (*real_ptr_i1) - u2 * (*imag_ptr_i1);
t2 = u1 * (*imag_ptr_i1) + u2 * (*real_ptr_i1);
*real_ptr_i1 = *real_ptr_2 - t1;
*imag_ptr_i1 = *imag_ptr_2 - t2;
*real_ptr_2 += t1;
*imag_ptr_2 += t2;
z = u1 * c1 - u2 * c2;
u2 = u1 * c2 + u2 * c1;
u1 = z;
c2 = sqrt((1.0 - c1) / 2.0);
if (ifft==false){ c2 = -c2; }
c1 = sqrt((1.0 + c1) / 2.0);
//** Scale size for forward FFT
if(ifft==false) {
double *real_ptr, *imag_ptr, *end_ptr;
real_ptr = io_real;
imag_ptr = io_imag;
end_ptr = real_ptr + size;
for (; real_ptr!=end_ptr; ++real_ptr, ++imag_ptr) {
*real_ptr /= size;
*imag_ptr /= size;
return 0;