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C++ 画像に別の画像を配置するテンプレート関数

(この記事の文字数: 125)



 * @param io_bottom_img The data of base image
 * @param btm_img_w     Width of io_bottom_img
 * @param btm_img_h     Height of io_bottom_img
 * @param in_top_img    The data of image to place on io_bottom_img
 * @param top_img_w     Width of in_top_img
 * @param top_img_h     Height of in_top_img
 * @param center_x      X coordinate of center point for in_top_img
 * @param center_y      Y coordinate of center point for in_top_img
 * @param place_x       X coordinate to place in_top_img on io_bottom_img
 * @param place_y       Y coordinate to place in_top_img on io_bottom_img
template<typename _TopImgType, typename _BottomImgType>
void PlaceImageOnImage(
    _BottomImgType *io_bottom_img,
    s32 btm_img_w, s32 btm_img_h,
    const _TopImgType *in_top_img,
    s32 top_img_w, s32 top_img_h, s32 num_channels,
    s32 center_x, s32 center_y,
    s32 place_x, s32 place_y
    for( s32 y=0; y<top_img_h; ++y )
        s32 y_dst = y + place_y - center_y;
        if( y_dst < 0 )
            y = y - y_dst - 1;
        for( s32 x=0; x<top_img_w; ++x )
            s32 x_dst = x + place_x - center_x;
            if( x_dst < 0 )
                x = x - x_dst - 1;
            s32 i_dst = ( y_dst*btm_img_w + x_dst ) * num_channels;
            s32 i_src = ( y*top_img_w + x ) * num_channels;
            for( s32 c=0; c<num_channels; ++c )
                io_bottom_img[i_dst+c] = in_top_img[i_src+c];



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