template<typename T> void wsp::img::ScaleImageBilinear(
const T *in_src, int src_width, int src_height, int num_channels,
T *o_dst, int dst_width, int dst_height
float x_src_step = 1.0/(float)(src_width);
float y_src_step = 1.0/(float)(src_height);
float x_dst_step = 1.0/(float)(dst_width);
float y_dst_step = 1.0/(float)(dst_height);
float zero_xpos_src = x_src_step/2.0;
float zero_xpos_dst = x_dst_step/2.0;
float zero_ypos_src = y_src_step/2.0;
float zero_ypos_dst = y_dst_step/2.0;
int x, y, c;
int i_s0, i_s1, i_s2, i_s3, i_d;
int yd, xd, ys, xs;
float x_coef0, x_coef1, y_coef0, y_coef1;
float x_src_f, y_src_f, x_dst_f, y_dst_f;
for(yd=0, ys=0; yd<dst_height; ++yd, y_dst_f+=y_dst_step){
if(y_src_f+y_src_step <= y_dst_f){
y_coef1 = (y_dst_f-y_src_f)/y_src_step;
y_coef0 = 1.0f - y_coef1;
for(xd=0, xs=0; xd<dst_width; ++xd, x_dst_f+=x_dst_step){
if(x_src_f+x_src_step <= x_dst_f){
if( zero_xpos_src<=x_dst_f && x_dst_f<1.0f-zero_xpos_src
&& zero_ypos_src<=y_dst_f && y_dst_f<1.0f-zero_ypos_src)
x_coef1 = (x_dst_f-x_src_f)/x_src_step;
x_coef0 = 1.0f - x_coef1;
i_d = (yd*dst_width+xd)*num_channels;
i_s0 = ((ys)*src_width+(xs))*num_channels;
i_s1 = i_s0 + num_channels;
i_s2 = i_s0 + src_width*num_channels;
i_s3 = i_s1 + src_width*num_channels;
for(c=0; c<num_channels; ++c){
//** compute linear interpolation
o_dst[i_d+c] = static_cast<T>(
(in_src[i_s0+c]*x_coef0 + in_src[i_s1+c]*x_coef1)*y_coef0
+ (in_src[i_s2+c]*x_coef0 + in_src[i_s3+c]*x_coef1)*y_coef1
//** copy corner
int x, y, c, i_dst0, i_src0, i_dst1, i_src1;
int x_copy_top, x_copy_tail, y_copy_top, y_copy_tail;
float y_dst_f, x_dst_f;
//** compute position of source of copy
for(y_copy_top=0, y_dst_f=zero_ypos_dst; y_dst_f<zero_ypos_src; ++y_copy_top, y_dst_f+=y_dst_step){}
for(x_copy_top=0, x_dst_f=zero_xpos_dst; x_dst_f<zero_xpos_src; ++x_copy_top, x_dst_f+=x_dst_step){}
x_copy_tail = dst_width - 1 - x_copy_top;
y_copy_tail = dst_height - 1 - y_copy_top;
printf("ytop:%d, xtop:%d, ytail:%d, xtail:%d\n", y_copy_top, x_copy_top, y_copy_tail, x_copy_tail);
//** copy horizontal lines in corner
y_dst_f = zero_ypos_dst;
for(y=0; y_dst_f<zero_ypos_src; ++y, y_dst_f+=y_dst_step){
for(x=0; x<dst_width; ++x){
i_dst0 = (y*dst_width+x)*num_channels;
i_src0 = (y_copy_top*dst_width+x)*num_channels;
i_dst1 = ((dst_height-y-1)*dst_width+x)*num_channels;
i_src1 = (y_copy_tail*dst_width+x)*num_channels;
for(c=0; c<num_channels; ++c){
//** copy top x corner
o_dst[i_dst0+c] = o_dst[i_src0+c];
//** copy bottom x corner
o_dst[i_dst1+c] = o_dst[i_src1+c];
//** copy vertical lines in corner
x_dst_f = zero_xpos_dst;
for(x=0; x_dst_f<zero_xpos_src; ++x, x_dst_f+=x_dst_step){
for(y=0; y<dst_height; ++y){
i_dst0 = (y*dst_width+x)*num_channels;
i_src0 = (y*dst_width+x_copy_top)*num_channels;
i_dst1 = ((y+1)*dst_width-x-1)*num_channels;
i_src1 = (y*dst_width+x_copy_tail)*num_channels;
for(c=0; c<num_channels; ++c){
//** copy left y corner
o_dst[i_dst0+c] = o_dst[i_src0+c];
//** copy right y corner
o_dst[i_dst1+c] = o_dst[i_src1+c];